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About Us

Welcome to Drivesome, where your passion for cars takes center stage!

We’re not just another social media platform – we’re a community fueled by our shared passion for the world of automobiles and driven by the need for answers, excitement, and camaraderie.

Buckle up, because at Drivesome, the road ahead is full of adventure!

Drivesome Mission

Our mission

A hub where car enthusiasts, novices, and everyone in between can share their love for cars.

drivesome founder

The founder

Marcus Newark: A true car lover with a long history working with custom cars. Raised by car loving father now sharing that passion with his own son, His goal is to ensure his son can experience the same joy with cars that he has.

Follow @marcus or is son @aksel

its a mess

The problem

For years, Marcus scoured forums for auto advice, assembling solutions from fellow enthusiasts. A question from his Jaguar-loving dad launched him on a quest. Though seemingly simple, the answer remained elusive. Despite all the forums and countless Facebook posts, the solution remained out of reach.

clean it up

The solution

Amidst the chaos of scattered pages and platforms, a vision emerged: a unified space where gearheads and curious minds unite effortlessly, sharing wisdom, experiences, and unbridled car enthusiasm—regardless of make, model, or badge.

the drivesome future

The future

Drivesome goes beyond online. We’re committed to real-world expansion: local car clubs, meets, and inclusive events. Every driver is welcome, regardless of background, skill, or finances. A community for all your automotive needs.